Another rainy day makes for very leisurely work on the boat. Today I caulked the seam between the stems and the sides on the inside, so that I might attach the breast hooks and not have to work around them later.
Seams caulked with clear (it dries clear) house caulk. |
I then proceeded to attach the breast hooks that are now shaped and sanded. They are attached with 4 screws each and G-glue. I probably should of varnished them before attaching but I do like to do things the hard way sometimes, or so it seems.
breast hook attached. Note the shape of the stem. I have since cut down to the dado. |
I also cut the stems down so that they are 2 inches proud of the sheer and matching the sheer line. The cedar is such a soft wood and shapes easily, but that means it will also get abused easily.
Almost ready.
I guess next I will put in the inwales. I decided to do them in sections so each side will have 5 separate pieces. Once that is glued in place I will screw thru it to the gunnel. This will keep the plywood and cedar sandwiched between the tougher yellow pine.
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